If you suspect Child Abuse, it is important to attempt to gather the following information:
- Address-Home and where child can best be located (school, sitter, etc.)
- Phone numbers of home and work
Identifying information
- Child’s age or birth date
- Child’s current condition, including injuries
- Any emotional, behavioral, or physical problems the child may have
- If there are siblings, get the same information for them
Be specific
- Tell exactly what happened and when
- Child’s specific condition and sibling’s, if known
- Identify the person responsible for abuse/neglect, if known
DO NOT tell the child’s parent or person responsible that you are reporting, this could endanger the child.
If the child is in immediate danger, call the police (911), they can respond immediately and will inform CPS.
CPS considers the following factors when determining substantial risk of harm.
- Extent and severity of the injury
- Location of the injury on the child’s body
- The child’s age (the younger the child, the higher the risk)
- Frequency and duration of the same behavior or similar incidents
- Previous history of abuse or neglect
- How the injury occurred or was inflicted
The more information provided, the more effective Child Protective Services (CPS) can be when investigating the case; so provide as much information as you possibly can.
To report via mobile device: